EnglishRosie | Cold Ground [ Fantasy Rising ] @EnglishRosie | Uploaded 14 years ago | Updated 7 minutes ago
My crappy, crappy audition. The actiony, demony ones I attempted didn't make it very far or I just felt they lost the point, somehow. So I tried to go emotional and I think I really failed, but... At least I didn't use that ONE SAM SCENE I used in all the other projects. The possessed one. As much as I love it, when it's all I was using it's a bit tiresome. Not to mention annoying to edit and watch.
I did do a pretty lengthy story for this, but YT won't let me fit it in the description; I'll link to it in a moment, but it's all basically backstory for the two characters in this NOT from SPN. Dean and Sam have their original pasts because I'm lazy and I wanted to edit something that didn't corrupt the SPN timeline too much... Basically, in the past, Nami is an angel, Riku is human. They fall in love but Nami isn't allowed to, not with a human, not properly. So she's taken away from him, and he starts trying to get her back. He makes a deal with... um. Maleficent, but instead of bringing Nami back, which she can't do but lied and told Riku she could, she turns him into a demon- but so weak a demon that he has to steal life from other people just to keep himself going. He starts to forget Nami, killing and killing, blah blah blah. Present. Sam and Dean fall out over Dean's deal, Sam goes to visit Jess' grave and finds Nami there, who talks him through a lot of his past. Meanwhile, Dean ends up in hospital, where Riku basically goes after him, stopping his heart, and, realising who the demon is, Nami teleports Sam to the hospital (note: he doesn't poop for a week afterwards xD) and Sam gets upset over Dean, unable to see Riku or anything. Nami talks to Riku, he's shocked, loses grip on Dean, who's heart restarts, and he hugs Sam. Riku runs and glomps Nami, all happysad 'cause he's found her but he's a monster. And because he needs the life, he tries to steal Sam's, who starts bleeding and Deany screams and Nami panics and takes the life away from Riku, giving it back to Sammy. Riku isn't dead, he's just very weak and unconcious, so Nami makes sure he can't attack the brothers and potters off back to heaven. Long story short, at least. That's basically what's in the fanfic, anyway, but I forgot to mention that Nami was supposed to look after Dean, but decided she had to get Sam back with his brother, or there was a chance Lucifer could find a way to get poor Sammy alone and vulnerable... y'know, from beyond the hellgate and everything. I forgot this was supposed to be set in season three. -dies-

Long story long may be found here--

Anyway, about the video- there are one hell of a lot of mistakes in here but the rendering is the reason it's screwed up, I promise! T-T I worked really hard on this, even the lazy non masked bits were supposed to be kind of thought through, trying to show a little of the KH character's pasts because I didn't have enough SPN clips to really show much of Dean's past. I think Sam got a bit more screentime, flashback wise, but I had all the Jess clips and not much else. xD
This most likely won't get me into Fantasy Rising because it sucks and is incredibly lazily done. I'm sorry for some of the glitchy masking, especially that damned Nami clip (when she first speaks to Riku) but I just can't work on it anymore. I don't know why but I'm blocking on a practically finished video. T-T
Anyway, blehhhh. I would say the name of the song and artist if I could, but if I did YT will block this and rape my quality. So search the lyrics if you're desperate because I reeeeeally don't want this blocked or taken down.
And I know, I know. NAMIKU AGAIN. I'm sorry, but I wanted Riku as an emo demon and... she fit? xD She's the most angely looking KH character and she has scenes with him so I could be lazy. It was either Nami or... some FF character, really, 'cause I struggle to see Kairi or Xion as angels, to be honest.
I'll probably remember more to blabber about later, so I'll add it in as I think of it. :3
Cold Ground [ Fantasy Rising ]I Dont Want To Wake Up;like real people do. [happy birthday, amy!]Pillars of Salt. [Happy Birthday, Blue!]Untouchable; [ I Need This ]Just Wont Let it Go;Not Alone. [ Psychic ]Vegas Issues [Help...? D8]Echoes from the Other Worlds;JINX;[ B R E A K ]wrecked on the same shore.

Cold Ground [ Fantasy Rising ] @EnglishRosie