caltech | Caltech Fellowships: Supporting Graduate Students @caltech | Uploaded 3 months ago | Updated 15 hours ago
Freedom to think big and flexibility to take risksthese are what fellowships offer Caltechs talented graduate students. Most endowed graduate fellowships at Caltech do not tether students to advisors, laboratories, or federal grants, which allows fellows to explore and partner with the research groups of their choice. This latitudea hallmark of graduate study at the Institutesparks creative collaborations and interdisciplinary problem-solving. It also increases our competitive edge in attracting and retaining top scholars from around the world.

This video features the following Engineering and Applied Science Chair Scholars and their mentors:

Zachary Ahmad, a materials science major, works with Katherine Faber, the Simon Ramo Professor of Materials Science.

Joudi Hajar, an electrical engineering major, works with Charles Elachi (MS 69, PhD 71), professor of electrical engineering and planetary science, emeritus, and former director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL, which Caltech manages for NASA), and with Babak Hassibi, the Mose and Lillian S. Bohn Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computing and Mathematical Sciences.

Tinashe Handina, a computing and mathematical sciences major, works with Eric Mazumdar, an assistant professor of computing and mathematical sciences and economics.

Theresa Tsaggaris, a mechanical engineering major, works with Kaushik Bhattacharya, vice provost and the Howell N. Tyson, Sr., Professor of Mechanics and Materials Science.

The video was developed in connection with the Initiative for Caltech Students, a fundraising campaign that aims to help students achieve their full potential by supporting undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, health and wellness, career advising, and co-curricular experiences.

Learn more about graduate fellowships: https://initiativeforstudents.caltech.edu
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Caltech Fellowships: Supporting Graduate Students @caltech