caltech | Caltech Bonds: Graduate Students and Their Faculty Mentors @caltech | Uploaded 5 months ago | Updated 1 day ago
Graduate students and faculty mentors at Caltech develop close academic relationships that drive innovative research. In this video, three graduate fellowship recipients converse with their mentors and reflect on their work, their ambitions, and their experiences at Caltech.

The video was developed in connection with the Initiative for Caltech Students, a fundraising campaign that aims to help students achieve their full potential by supporting undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, health and wellness, career advising, and co-curricular experiences.

The graduate students featured are Zachary Ahmad (materials science), Joudi Hajar (electrical engineering), and Tinashe Handina (computing and mathematical sciences). All three are EAS Chair Scholars studying in Caltechs Division of Engineering and Applied Science. Hajars mentor is Charles Elachi (MS 69, PhD 71), a Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award honoree and professor of electrical engineering and planetary science, emeritus. From 2001 to 2016, Elachi was director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which Caltech manages for NASA. Ahmads mentor is Katherine Faber, the Simon Ramo Professor of Materials Science. Handinas mentor is Eric Mazumdar, an assistant professor of computing and mathematical sciences and economics.

Learn more about supporting graduate fellowships at Caltech: https://initiativeforstudents.caltech.edu/pillars/pillar/fellowships/
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Caltech Bonds: Graduate Students and Their Faculty Mentors @caltech