Stewart Lab | ATP synthase: Structure and Function @StewartLab | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
A short video describing F1Fo ATP synthase function.
We made this a couple of years ago for the late Richard Perham to explain ATP synthase function for the book he was co-authouring: Molecular Biology of Assemblies and Machines: http://garlandscience.com/product/isbn/9780815341666
Visualisation was performed with an in house ray tracer / molecular modelling tool written by Callum Smits: https://github.com/callumsmits/rt1
ATP synthase: Structure and FunctionX-ray diffraction of a protein crystalThe Bacterial Flagellar MotorA molecule of ATP made with μsnatoms

ATP synthase: Structure and Function @StewartLab