Dark5 | 5 Most Mysterious Aircraft in Russia and Ukraine @dark5tv | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought to the world’s attention a number of mysterious aircraft-related incidents.

In June 2022, the media reported on the strange case of what was determined to be a Piper Aztec six-seat twin-engine aircraft breaching the airspace of multiple NATO countries.

The mysterious flight path of the Piper Aztec baffled European air defenders at the time, who were unsure whether to interpret the anonymous and undeclared flight as an act of aggression, especially considering the ongoing fighting in Ukraine.

Without an official dispatch or approved flight plan, the unknown plane - which was determined to have departed from somewhere in Lithuania - violated numerous international laws by passing through airspace owned by Hungary, then Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, and Romania, before finally ending its unauthorized journey in Bulgaria.

Other than Serbia, all of these nations belong to the NATO alliance. Despite being closely monitored by all nations involved, no communication was established with the pilot, and it was escorted as far as the Bulgarian border by six fighter jets from various territories.

While the crew vanished shortly after landing at an unused Bulgarian airport, the plane itself was still discovered, hidden under a canvas cover, its engine still warm. It was searched by officials but not a single clue as to the identities of those who flew it was found...
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5 Most Mysterious Aircraft in Russia and Ukraine @dark5tv