Dark5 | 5 Secret Aircraft in the President's Secret Air Force @dark5tv | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Air Force One is one of the most famous planes in the world, but few know that the President travels with a second identical aircraft that serves both as a decoy plane and a backup, should the primary plane be unable to fly due to mechanical failure or attack...

The Boeing 747, known by call sign Air Force One when it carries the US President, is arguably the most important aircraft in the western world. This specially configured aircraft has served six presidents and acted as a mobile Oval Office in times of both peace and crisis.

However, as a way to guarantee the President's security, there’s a second identical aircraft used in case of emergencies or as a decoy, keeping potential threats and onlookers from knowing the politician’s actual location.

The second aircraft is just as equipped and effective as the main one, and both planes have the exact same specifications and features.

The modified Boeing 747s can reach a top speed of 600 miles per hour and are capable of speed launches to avoid surface-to-air missiles. Although their defense capabilities are classified, it is believed that they can repel missiles and jam enemy radars to avoid detection.

The two planes are fitted with extensive state-of-the-art electronics, such as 85 onboard telephones, multiple sets of two-way radios, 19 televisions, and a secured air-to-ground communications line.

Ready for any kind of crisis, they even have an emergency operating table with plenty of reserves of the President's blood type onboard.

When the President travels, the decoy usually lands at a public airport. Onlookers then gather around the plane and watch it as it arrives and departs from the runway.

Meanwhile, the original Air Force One usually lands in military base hangars with its shades drawn and all lights turned off as a security measure. The President’s location remains a secret...
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5 Secret Aircraft in the President's Secret Air Force @dark5tv