5 Gnome Hunter Transmog Sets for Legion tutorial hunter transmog video (Wow)  @bigdamncompletionists1769
5 Gnome Hunter Transmog Sets for Legion tutorial hunter transmog video (Wow)  @bigdamncompletionists1769
Big Damn Completionists | 5 Gnome Hunter Transmog Sets for Legion tutorial hunter transmog video (Wow) @bigdamncompletionists1769 | Uploaded 8 years ago | Updated February 11 2023
How to get the best Gnome Hunter transmog sets for Legion with our video guide, Shiny & Chrome! Get started now so you know exactly what you want when Legion comes. Now you too can stand helm above the rest with the best Gnome Hunter Transmog Sets of Azeroth, and beyond!

Big helms and bigger weapons! Gnome hunters have held the lines against ferocious beasts of the wild, leprous traitors of their own kind and helped to tame the most savage of Titan machinery known to Gnomekind. Will you be brave enough to ride with furious mechanical poultry into battle? Will legends be told of your nuts and/or bolts? WILL YOU RIDE SHINY AND CHROME FROM THE GATES OF GNOMEREGAN?!

1. The Leper Gnome Hunter
2. The Heartseeker
3. The Dragon Warrior
4. The BFG9000 Enforcer
5. The Technological Terror

We preview new and upcoming transmogs and videos in one of two places, so make sure to watch us there!



Be sure to view in at least 720HD.

Music: "Interloper" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Important Transmog Information:

We will always pick gear that's accessible to both factions unless otherwise stated (such as for faction-themed transmogs). It's entirely possible there are items available solely to your faction with the same look that are much easier to get than the specific pieces we present. For that reason, we highly recommend you look up the individual items on Wowhead.com to see if there are pieces that use the same appearance.

A note where quest items are concerned. We try to avoid using quest reward items whenever possible. We know all too well the frustration of having long ago vendored or disenchanted an item that we never expected to need for transmog, although we’re reviewing this practice as Legion will supposedly backdate all of this gear. Therefore, whenever we do have quest items listed, we try to pick the ones that are from out of the way regions that are more likely to have been skipped in the normal progression of levelling a character. It's still entirely possible that there are other quests with a piece that looks just like the one we link, so again, if you’re having difficulties we encourage you to use Wowhead.com to look up individual items to see if there are any models that are the same. This is especially true regarding the world-drop items we list, as we will defer to choosing items that are available to both factions even if they’re harder to obtain.

There will inevitably be differences in how the transmog appears based on which hair colour and skin tone you’ve chosen for your character. Hair is easily fixed at the hairdresser (there’s even an achievement for using their services), but skin tone can be more problematic. While we can't do very much to make sure our transmogs fit ALL skin tones, please realise the great significance of the item called the shirt. There are many different kinds and styles, and they’re able to be worn underneath armor. It may not seem like it, but a simple addition of a shirt has done wonders for transmog many times. So please, consider this option if you're having skin tone troubles.

When we give an item a gold value in the AH box, it means we've looked into three different sources to find the most accurate average price you can reasonably expect to pay on the AH. The price may fluctuate over time or based on your realm and the whims of sellers. Prices for current level (Warlords of Draenor) gear, particularly crafted items, can be expected to decrease in future expansions.

We purposely try to avoid using multiple pieces of set gear where possible. Transmogging is not just about looking good, but also standing out from the crowd. Using all set pieces is tantamount to transmog ‘paint-by-numbers’, and you're not going to look very unique if everyone else is wearing the same stuff.

Finally, some of the pieces we’ve selected can be hard or laborious to get your hands on, they may require extensive farming or running Heroic or even Mythic level raids. We try to minimise this and ensure the pieces we choose are the easiest to get, but sometimes there's no getting around it. Transmog is a relatively new addition and it stands to reason that the most recent items would be more tailored to looking good than the bulk of those from earlier expansions. So sometimes it's going to be hard work. As they say, “Looking this good ‘aint easy!”, but if you love good transmog as much as we do, nothing will stop you. Good luck!

World of Warcraft is the property of Blizzard Entertainment.
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5 Gnome Hunter Transmog Sets for Legion tutorial hunter transmog video (Wow) @bigdamncompletionists1769