Dark5 | 5 Extinct Animals that Might Still Roam the Earth in Secret Places @dark5tv | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
It is said that the Woolly Mammoth has been extinct for at least 10,000 years. Victim of unrelenting hunting by our human ancestors and the dramatic climate change in their habitats, the colossal creature that once stretched across the globe was lost forever. However, many people believe that the specimen lived for many more years than it is thought, and some even dare to assure that they are still roaming around in the most remote areas of the world.

One of the earliest accounts contradicting the official scientific viewpoint comes from 6th century China. The story tells of a group of hunters who encountered ‘the great elephant’ while roaming the wilderness in the north. According to them, the elephant was more prominent than others they had seen before, and it also had long black hair.

Many other sightings would be recorded over the following centuries, some of them occurring in American territory where elephants have never inhabited. In 1567, a British explorer named David Ingram claimed to have seen elephant-like hairy creatures in what is now Canadian territory.

David Thompson, a famous British-Canadian explorer, is said to have encountered footprints of an enormous creature during an expedition in 1797. The discovery occurred after being told repeatedly by the locals about a mysterious hairy creature that inhabited the most remote locations in Northern Canada.

In 1899, a popular magazine ran an article by a man named Henry Tukeman who claimed to have killed the last living mammoth in the Alaskan wilderness. He claimed that while showing natives some pictures and drawings of the great game he had hunted in Africa, a man interrupted him as he displayed the image of an elephant.

The local told Tukeman that he had seen a creature just like that right there in Alaska. Fascinated by the possibilities, Tukeman gathered a hunting party and tracked the enormous behemoth. After laying a trap, the hunter claimed to have slain the mammoth, after which he donated the remains to the Smithsonian Institution.

We might never know with absolute certainty whether there is some truth to these stories or if they are all elaborate hoaxes.

However, as many scientists rush to discredit any account claiming mammoths are still alive, supposed sightings continue to surface every day in the most inhospitable and remote reaches of the Earth.
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5 Extinct Animals that Might Still Roam the Earth in Secret Places @dark5tv