The Atheist Voice | Why I, as an atheist, can't vote for Donald Trump @TheAtheistVoice | Uploaded October 2016 | Updated October 2024, 3 hours ago.
Why I, as an atheist, can't vote for Donald Trump

Hemant Mehta (friendlyatheist.com, patreon.com/Hemant , facebook.com/friendlyatheist)

I would love to tell you all how to vote in the upcoming election, but I know that if I suggest anything, even with plenty of reasons behind it, people will push back. 

"How dare you tell me to do anything? You're not the atheist pope!"

Okay. Fine. In that case, let me just lay out for you why I, as an atheist who cares about issues related to atheism, cannot possibly vote for Donald Trump. Despite what some other YouTubers may tell you...

- I care about science. I don't want someone in the White House who denies climate change. Or thinks it's a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

- I don't want a Vice President who denied climate change for so long. 

- I don't want a Vice President who doesn't accept evolution.

- I don't want a President who couldn't even explain evolution.

- I don't want a President who believes the conspiracy that vaccines cause autism and used his charity to give Jenny McCarthy's anti-vaccination group a $10,000 donation.

- I care about church/state separation. I don't want a President who believes the Religious Right is persecuted, as if Christians are the ones who really have it hard in the U.S.

- I don't want someone who threatens to repeal the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches from endorsing candidates from the pulpit while keeping their tax-exempt status.

- I don't want someone who thinks all Muslims are in cahoots with the terrorists and wants to take away their civil liberties.

- I don't want someone who thinks forcing employees to say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy holidays" will solve more problems than it creates.

- I don't want someone who thinks there really is a War on Christmas.

- I don't want someone whose proposed Supreme Court nominees are hell-bent on merging Christianity with the government.

- As an atheist, I care about LGBT rights, because they're directly threatened by conservative Christians. And Trump wants to put those Christians in positions of power so they can undo any progress we've made over the past decade.

- I don't want someone who still, in 2016, opposes marriage equality. And Trump does, no matter how much he thinks he's a friend to the gay community.

- I don't want a President to tell trans people where they can and can't go to the bathroom.

- I don't want a Vice President best known for telling Christian business owners they have a special right to discriminate against gay customers, which he did in Indiana.

- Or a President who thinks Kim Davis had every right to deny a gay couple their marriage license in her Kentucky county.

- I care about women's rights, since it's usually conservative Christians who oppose them. And I don't want a President who thinks women who have abortions deserve to be punished.

- I don't want a President who wants to defund Planned Parenthood because they offer abortion services in addition to all the other amazing things they also do.

- I don't want a President who can't tell fact from fiction, who seems to believe anything you tell him. If I wanted to hear people whose best evidence for their beliefs was "Some people have said," then I'd go to church.

Now, maybe you're hearing all this and rolling your eyes. You're saying, "Yeah, Trump is bad, but you're not giving me any reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton."

Well, here it is: She isn't perfect, but she's on the right side of every single one of those issues I just mentioned. That's why she's getting my vote, and that's why I'm going to be proud as hell to cast it.

If you feel differently, then by all means, I can't wait to hear your comments about why science, and church/state separation, and LGBT rights, and women's rights don't matter to you. 

Donald Trump is a man with no ideas who surrounds himself with people who have bad ideas. 

He would be a disaster for anyone who cares about evidence and reason and the encroachment of religion into our politics.

And if you think he's just playing the part, and he doesn't really believe any of these things that he's saying, well just look at who he's surrounding himself with. The people pulling his puppet strings are Christian conservatives. 

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Why I, as an atheist, can't vote for Donald Trump @TheAtheistVoice