NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | What's Up: October 2022 Skywatching Tips from NASA @NASAJPL | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 2 days ago
What are some skywatching highlights in October 2022?
Enjoy giant planets Jupiter and Saturn all night throughout the month. Then watch as Mars begins its retrograde motion, moving westward each night instead of eastward, for the next few months. Finally, check out the Orionid meteors overnight on Oct. 20.

0:00 Intro
0:11 Evenings with Jupiter & Saturn
0:37 Mars' retrograde motion
2:07 Orionid meteor shower
3:04 October Moon phases

Additional information about topics covered in this episode of What's Up, along with still images from the video, and the video transcript, are available at https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/skywatching/home.

— Additional Resources —
Skywatching resources from NASA: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/skywatching/home/
NASA "Watch the Skies" blog: https://blogs.nasa.gov/Watch_the_Skies/
NASA's Night Sky Network: https://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/
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What's Up: October 2022 Skywatching Tips from NASA @NASAJPL