scooby1961 | What introverts want extroverts to know @scooby1961 | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
Just because we are generally quiet, doesn't mean we don't have anything to say. The issue is that the extrovert has to stop talking to get an introvert to talk because an introvert will never find it worth the effort to fight an extrovert for airtime.

What I have noticed in many extroverts is that they try to connect to someone by relating to things they say, which is very noble. The problem is that the extroverts are so excited about this that the introvert will get one sentence into what they are saying when the extrovert will jump in with a 10 minute story relating to that one sentence.

I have a litmus test: At a party would you tell a story to someone you just met? If the answer is yes, then you are an extrovert. An introvert would hungrily ask questions of the other person to try and see if they share any of your passions.

Restaurants!!!! For some reason, everyone seems to feel sorry for someone eating alone, I LOVE IT. When I travel, I LOVE eating alone. Its funny, when the matre d' seats you and asks "just one?" with a tone of voice that indicates sympathy.

What I usually find, unfortunately, is that many people who crave constant social interaction usually don't have much to actually say. Its because they spend all their time talking and zero time actually learning or doing things that might actually be interesting to other people.

A lot of people in everyday conversation conflate introversion with social anxiety. This is unhelpful for introverts because it colors them as somehow having a problem. Not sure how talking nonstop became the "healthy" norm and quietly listening all the time became a "mental illness", seems this might have a lot to do with this countries present problems.

I think that often many things become intertwined making it far more complex. For example, someone who has low self esteem might also be an introvert. Someone with low self esteem will find it hard to voice their needs and wants whether they are an extrovert or an introvert. Someone with very low self esteem might start out life appearing to be an introvert then as they gain confidence might realize that they are really an extrovert.

When an extrovert says something like, "are you ok?" or "you're being awfully quiet.", its either ignorant or a tactic to retain their captive audience. ProTip: If an extrovert ever says to you, "you're being awfully quiet." just tell them that its because they have been talking nonstop, turn around, and walk away.
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What introverts want extroverts to know @scooby1961