David Hoffman | What If Abraham Lincoln Had Been Recorded On Video @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker | Uploaded August 2024 | Updated October 2024, 1 hour ago.
I made this television infomercial (as they called them back then) in 1980, before the coming of meaningful home video by millions of creators across the world.

If there were film or video available of Abraham Lincoln, it would be an extraordinary historical artifact, offering a vivid, real-life glimpse into the appearance, mannerisms, and voice of one of America’s most revered presidents. Since no such footage exists (as Lincoln died in 1865, decades before the advent of motion picture technology), we can only speculate based on historical descriptions, photographs, and writings.

What Abraham Lincoln Would Look Like
Abraham Lincoln was known for his distinctive appearance. He was exceptionally tall for his time, standing at 6 feet 4 inches, and had a lean, wiry build. He often wore clothing that appeared slightly too large, adding to his lanky and somewhat awkward silhouette.

Lincoln had a rugged, deeply lined face, often described as gaunt or haggard. His face was characterized by prominent cheekbones, a long nose, deep-set eyes, and a pronounced jawline. He wore a distinctive beard without a mustache, which became one of his most recognizable features after he began growing it in late 1860, following a suggestion from an 11-year-old girl named Grace Bedell.

Lincoln would likely appear in a dark suit with a stovepipe hat, which he was known to wear frequently. He typically dressed in a formal, somewhat somber style, appropriate for the era and his position as President during a time of national crisis. His clothing often looked a bit worn or ill-fitting, reflecting his practical, unpretentious nature.

Contemporary accounts describe Lincoln as having a distinctive, somewhat awkward gait, with his long limbs contributing to a noticeable, shuffling walk. He was known for his expressive gestures when speaking, often using his hands to emphasize his points.

Despite his solemn appearance, Lincoln was known for his ability to smile and display warmth, especially when engaging in conversation or storytelling. His expressions might shift from serious contemplation to a wry smile, reflecting his famously dry sense of humor and his penchant for anecdotes and storytelling.

What Abraham Lincoln Could Say
If Lincoln were captured on film or video, his words would likely be reflective of his deep commitment to preserving the Union, his moral opposition to slavery, and his vision for a united America. He might speak about themes central to his presidency, such as freedom, equality, democracy, and reconciliation.

Lincoln was a masterful orator known for his concise, powerful speeches. He often used plain language that was accessible to ordinary Americans, interspersed with poetic and biblical references. He could be recorded delivering a speech like the Gettysburg Address, which emphasized healing and forgiveness after the Civil War.

Potential Topics and Messages:
Lincoln could speak about the ongoing Civil War emphasizing the importance of the Union cause and the moral imperative of ending slavery. He might address the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families and call for continued resolve to see the conflict through to a just conclusion.

Given his pivotal role in the emancipation of enslaved people, Lincoln could speak passionately about the necessity of ending slavery and the importance of the Emancipation Proclamation as a step toward freedom and equality.

Lincoln often spoke of the need to bind up the nation's wounds and to reunite a divided country. He might emphasize the importance of unity, reconciliation, and moving forward as one nation after the conflict.

Lincoln deeply believed in the ideals of democracy and the American experiment. He could reflect on the principles of government "of the people, by the people, for the people," as he famously expressed in the Gettysburg Address, and urge Americans to continue striving toward these ideals.

What Would Lincoln’s Voice Sound Like?
It is said that he had a high-pitched voice that carried well, especially when he was speaking outdoors or in large halls. His voice was described as “clear” and “penetrating” rather than deep or booming.

Lincoln's manner of speaking was distinctive and compelling, with a deliberate pace and a tendency to stress key points with emphasis. His speeches were often delivered with a rhythmic, almost lyrical cadence, shaped by his background as a lawyer who frequently argued cases before juries and judges.

Lincoln was born in Kentucky and grew up in Indiana and Illinois, which would have influenced his accent. He likely spoke with a Midwestern accent, mixed with some Southern inflections typical of the frontier regions of his upbringing. His diction was clear, and he was known to speak plainly, without pretense, often addressing his audience in a straightforward, conversational style.
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What If Abraham Lincoln Had Been Recorded On Video @DavidHoffmanFilmmaker