turbulenceteam | Vorticity in fully developed turbulence @turbulenceteamms | Uploaded 14 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Volume rendering of the absolute value of vorticity in fully developed turbulence. Volume rendering produced with VAPOR, www.vapor.ucar.edu .
Vorticity in fully developed turbulenceWeakly excited phase in active fluid model3D Kolmogorov flow with large-scale dampingvorticity and velocity in three-dimensional turbulenceGeneralized 3D Kolmogorov flow: effect of strong large-scale dampingGeneralized 3D Kolmogorov flow: effect of weak large-scale dampingReconnection of two perpendicular vorticesSpreading of a droplet of passive particles in three-dimensional turbulenceReconnection of vortex tubes in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinatesDynamic vortex lattice state in active fluid modelRayleigh-Benard-convection at high aspect ratioRayleigh-Benard Convection (two-dimensional and very turbulent)

Vorticity in fully developed turbulence @turbulenceteamms