kalytheo | Two Endermen and a new cat @kalytheo | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 13 hours ago
For the first time since I've been playing this game, I've been attacked by 2 Endermen at the same time.
To defeat them, I took shelter under one of my special shelters made for such situations, which is two blocks high, as opposed to an Enderman which is 3 blocks.
After the Endermen attack, I was attacked by a bunch of Zombies, but I overcame them as I was in the shelter of my yard.
While I was fighting the Endermen, my donkey was roaming around the yard unhindered!
Meanwhile, a very beautiful white cat was walking around my yard. I fed the cat with fish and thus tamed it, and with the help of a lead I took it to the cat house.
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Two Endermen and a new cat @kalytheo