redtails | [東方 Touhou Vocal] Raven's Jig - Petit Chat Clandestin (Vocal Lullaby of Deserted Hell, Touhou) @redtails | Uploaded January 2017 | Updated October 2024, 1 week ago.
This is a vocal version of: youtube.com/watch?v=m7F_t-gPiJY

Raven's Jig is composed of me on keyboard and Akhts (youtube.com/akhtsnozone) on vocals.

Did you expect lyrics? I sure did, and it was tough coming up with any sort of story to this arrangement that was not cliché. Akhts, who writes the lyrics and sings the vocals does not back down and has done an excellent job once more. Let's hope we can continue our current pace for the coming months to get the ball rolling once more!

Title: Petit Chat Clandestin
Based on: Lullaby of Deserted Hell
From: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism

Arrangement, lyrics and vocals: Raven's Jig
Album: none yet
Year: 2017

MP3, MIDI or flac: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AuqrlLAxMnqOg_I2RVEDvnOaicl5QQ
Alternatively, download all songs in mp3 or flac: http://rdtls.nl/YouTube/
You can also access it via ftp: ftp://rdtls.nl

Get all of Raven's Jig's songs: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AuqrlLAxMnqOtHr_dl_0Q9eY-P_q

Artwork: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2518379

Petite enfant du grand monde, petit chat clandestin
Qui pourrait tout entendre mais qui n’écoute rien
Sa poupée dans ses bras et le cœur sur la main
Elle s’évade et elle rêve à son propre destin

Depuis qu’elle a su marcher, toujours on lui a dit
Tête haute, profil bas, fais cela, fais ceci
Elle acquiesce, elle est sage
Mais au fond, ces adages
N’ont jamais terni son vrai visage

Son âme est une tempête bouillant au fond d’elle
Ses yeux couleur automne saluent les hirondelles
Avant que l’hiver arrive elle part avec elles
Elle leur mord la queue, les rattrape à tire d’aile
Son sourire ouvre le feu comme pour se venger
Les boucles de ses cheveux soudain ont changé
L’envie de liberté semble la démanger
Tel un monstre insensé, toujours emprisonné

Car sous les poils de la brosse qui lisse sa fourrure
Sous le regard sévère des plafonds à moulures
Son monde est un miroir, impartial éteignoir
De la flamme qui brûle en son regard

Le long des couloirs glacés, au détour des rideaux
Elle connaît ses idées, mais leur tourne le dos
C’est leur lot à jamais, un éternel secret
Inutile, un facteur imparfait

Petite enfant du grand monde, petit chat clandestin
Qui pourrait tout voir mais qui ne regarde rien
Sa poupée dans ses bras et le cœur sur la main
Elle s’évade et dessert ses propres desseins

Elle obéit à la main qui lui donne à manger
Elle a tout su comprendre et elle sait s’adapter
Elle se sert du silence qui fait son élégance
Pour nourrir ses démons, sa démence
Et valider son inexistence

Little child of the higher world, clandestine little cat
Who could hear everything but listens to nothing
With her doll in her arms and her heart on her sleeve
She escapes and dreams of her own destiny

Since she was able to walk, she has always been told
Keep your chin up but keep a low profile, do that, do this
She nods, she is well-behaved
But deep down, such sayings
Never tarnished her real self

Her soul is a storm boiling inside of her
Her autumn-colored eyes greet the swallows
Before winter comes, she leaves with them
Biting their tails, chasing them flip-flapping
Her smile opens fire as if to get revenge
The locks of her hair suddenly have changed
The urge for freedom seems to be getting to her
Like an insane monster, always imprisoned

Because under the brush straightening her fur
Under the strict gaze of the ceiling’s moldings
Her world is a mirror, an unbiased snuffer
For the flame burning in her stare

Along the ice-cold corridors, behind curtains
She knows what her thoughts are but she turns her back on them
That is how they will always be treated, an eternal secret
A useless, imperfect factor

Little child of the higher world, clandestine little cat
Who could see everything but looks at nothing
With her doll in her arms and her heart on her sleeve
She escapes and serves her own projects

She obeys to the hand who feeds her
She understood everything and knows how to adapt
She uses her silence, symbol of her poise
To feed her demons, her dementia
And validate the fact that she doesn’t exist
[東方 Touhou Vocal] Ravens Jig - Petit Chat Clandestin (Vocal Lullaby of Deserted Hell, Touhou)玖原イヅナ - Kappa~ショウジキモノノウタ (Candid Friend)[東方 flute] 中雑魚酒菜 – Reisenetta, la bouree pour Udongue  (Invisible Full Moon)Ravens Jig - Primavera (Ludovico Einaudi cover)[東方 Instrumental]  karnha - 屍獄アニマ (Rin Kaenbyou, Lullaby of Deserted Hell)Ravens Jig - Behind the Scenes[東方 Touhou Piano] Ravens Jig - Sept Jours sans Elle (Septette for the Dead Princess)Border of Life (Metal arrange) - Infinnacage & PalmMuteSound Holic - Toho PianismAssaultdoor - 幻想羅針盤 (Touhou Piano)[東方 instrumental chill] マンダリン – 間抜けな水上バス (Plastic Mind)CYTOKINE - 虹蛇 (Rainbow Snake)

[東方 Touhou Vocal] Raven's Jig - Petit Chat Clandestin (Vocal Lullaby of Deserted Hell, Touhou) @redtails