Nemacyte | Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 3 @Nemacyte | Uploaded 14 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
No wonder people say Aya's reporting style is so pushy... I want that umbrella.

Aya's Comments:
Level 3-1
"She's an earth spider, you know. They're quite skilled and strong, and particularly good with architecture, so I invite them over often. It's very convenient. I should get to know more youkai like her."

Level 3-2 Umbrella Sign "One Tagged Return Hit"
"She swings around this horribly unfashionable umbrella. I wonder... is she having fun? I really don't understand the way young umbrella monsters think these days."

Level 3-3 Well Bucket "Flying in a well"
"Uh-oh, it's a Tsurube-otoshi! Despite her appearance, this is a ferocious youkai. She waits in the darkness for humans passing by, but the places where she hides are obvious."

Level 3-4 Small Thread "Kandata's Rope"
"I succeeded in getting a photo of the instant she shot out her sturdy threads. They're thin, but they're even used in architecture. Apparently they can snap under special conditions. I wonder what those are?"

Level 3-5 Rainbow Sign "Over the Rainbow"
"A glorious rainbow appears! A rainbow is apparently a type of dragon god- such a mysterious being. I hope my shots of it come out all right."

Level 3-6 Well Bucket "Well Destruction"
"I was attacked pretty seriously. I'd like to have gotten more detailed material on her, since so little is known about this youkai, but she goes berserk like this, well..."

Level 3-7 Poison Sign "Japanese Foliage Spider"
"The Japanese foliage spider is a rare, deadly poisonous arachnid from this region. The mothers of the strange species offer their own bodies as food to raise their children... but no one would read an article as grave as that."

Level 3-8 Umbrella Sign "Flurry Traveler"
"When I fly over the village on rainy days, I see crowds of people with umbrellas. That leaves them kind of defenseless, doesn't it? They'd never know if something was going to come swooping down out of the sky, like a shrine maiden."
Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 3Touhou 13 - Ten Desires: Yoshika Miyakos Theme - Rigid Paradise True VersionTF2 - Unidentified Preview

Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 3 @Nemacyte