Nemacyte | Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 1 @Nemacyte | Uploaded 14 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
My first time playing one of Touhou's many danmaku games. Might as well start out with Aya's.

Yeah, I can tell I'm gonna have different kinds of fun with this game, gameplay and editing wise. These files are freaking big and sometimes they don't render properly. Sometimes, I forget to set Fraps on record.

Aya's Comments:
Level 1-1
"I did some photography practice with the harvest goddess who was wandering nearby. Maybe I'll do this again if I start getting rusty..."

Level 1-2
" My practice partner snapped. Even though I should have been the one getting angry! It bothers me how easily gods lose their tempers these days..."

Level 1-3 Autumn Sign "Falling Blast"
"Shake the tree and the leaves come dancing down. Watching the goddess of falling leaves hitting the trees so violently... She's going to strip them bare."

Level 1-4 Fruit Sign "Warm Colour Harvest"
"This year's harvest festival is quite something, isn't it? I wonder what they're harvesting and what they're celebrating? I wonder if it's... that? You know, humans?

Level 1-5 Wilted Path "Lost Windrow"
"The winter wind is cold. I took pictures of the leaves that the wind blew up into the air, but I don't really think they'll make good material. Well, I guess I was causing some wind, too."

Level 1-6 Baked Sweet Potato "Sweet Potato Room"
"Oh, the goddess also runs a sweet potato stand. Autumn is all about the sweet potatoes, isn't it? Soukan Noguni certainly was great!"
Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 1TF2 - Brass BeastingTouhou Pocket Wars EVO - Ayas ThemeNem MUGEN: Experimenting!Touhou 13 - Ten Desires: Kyouko Kasodanis Theme - Youkai Girl at the Gate True VersionGrief Syndrome - Homura VS GertrudTouhou Pocket Wars EVO+ - Nues ThemeTouhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 2Nem MUGEN - Random Utsuho CombosTF2 - MotK Party 7/30/11 P1Nem MUGEN: M.Bison/Vega (Me) VS Abyss by SludgeTouhou 13 - Ten Desires: Seiga Kakus Theme - Old Yuanxian (Distant Hermit)

Touhou 12.5 - Double Spoiler: Level 1 @Nemacyte