Dark5 | TikTok Banned In Montana: 5 Secrets TikTok Wants To Hide @dark5tv | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
TikTok's CEO is testifying in front of Congress. Let's revisit an old format and bring up a few dark secrets...

In a bombshell release back in December 2021, the New York Times exposed TikTok's dark underbelly with a leaked document titled 'TikTok Algo 101.' This sensitive document provided a perturbing insight into how the app decides which content to prioritize. An anonymous insider shared the document, aiming to expose the platform's shadowy practices.

As with other social media platforms, TikTok relies on algorithms to determine the kind of content that each user sees next. These algorithms are designed to learn our habits and preferences, seemingly delving deep into our psyches to keep us scrolling for as long as possible.

The most alarming revelation from the leaked document was that the TikTok algorithm determined certain types of sad and depressing content to be the most profitable and addictive. By intentionally presenting users with a stream of negative content, the algorithm could hold users' attention for longer periods, increasing valuable user retention rates.

Even more troubling, the algorithm prioritized negative videos, encouraging users to engage in a downward spiral of increasingly dark content. It's a sinister strategy that has left many questioning the platform's motives and practices.

As if this weren't enough, the same document revealed that TikTok's privacy policy leaves much to be desired. Moderators and employees have access not only to publicly shared content but also to private chats, making it clear that the company's data collection practices are cause for concern.

While the ultimate repercussions of TikTok's practices remain to be seen, the sharing of ‘TikTok Algo 101’ is a stark reminder that social media platforms are not always what they seem and that users need to remain vigilant about how their data is being used...
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TikTok Banned In Montana: 5 Secrets TikTok Wants To Hide @dark5tv