Jonah Lobe | The World's First Look at Arvak, Ever! @JonahLobeDraws | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
After we finished Skyrim, as the game reviews were just pouring in (and we were beginning to realize that maybe, against our wildest expectations, we'd created a game that was actually GOOD), the entire team took one week off their normal schedule for the first-ever Bethesda Game Studios "Game Jam!"

The idea here was to just go crazy and create whatever we wanted for the game, without worrying how it would fit or where. I spent a day or so making the Hulking Draugr, and then I turned to the task that interested me far more: the creation of Arvak.

Arvak did not yet have a name, nor did he have a place all carved out in Tamriel for him... but I'd seen a sketch by our concept artist Ray Lederer of a burning black horse skeleton and I said to myself "That. That's what I want to see in Skyrim!"

So I spent that week modeling horse bones, giving them a good obsidian polish, and then heating them up until they caught flame. I experimented with a fire mane and tale, glowing sparks for eyes, and a burning trail for the horse to leave as it ran.

With the help of my friend Sal, who is a video editor at Bethesda, I showed this video at the big team meeting at the end of that week. This was the first anyone had ever seen of the horse that would later become Arvak.

I moved on to Fallout 4 right after the Game Jam, so I wasn't actually involved in putting him into the expansion. His colors were changed to a ghostly blue/purple, which I admit I wasn't much of a fan of, but I was just grateful to get him into the game at all. I hope you enjoyed him, at least!
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The World's First Look at Arvak, Ever! @JonahLobeDraws