JSConf | The "Perfect" Tooling Library - Ben Ilegbodu | JSConf Hawaii 2020 @jsconf_ | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 19 hours ago
So you have a great idea for the perfect JS library... but the implementation is only half the battle. You also need to configure infrastructure to develop, test, build and deploy your package. How do you set up Typescript and other static checking? Do you target ESM or CJS builds? Is integration testing even possible? Theres so much extra to consider!

Lets learn what makes up the perfect library tooling. Familiarity with developing JavaScript packages will help you get the most out of this session, but you will gain plenty of helpful insights even if you have yet to build one. Oh, and dont worry if you dont understand all of those terms you soon will after this video!

Slides: https://slides.benmvp.com/2020/jsconfhi/perfect-lib#/

JSConf Hawaii will return in 2021
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The "Perfect" Tooling Library - Ben Ilegbodu | JSConf Hawaii 2020 @jsconf_