LPPFusion | The New Fusion Race - Part 4 - Fusion Race: Who is Ahead? @LPPFusion | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
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Please watch LPPFusions important new video Pandemic, Economic Crises and the Energy Density Solution. https://youtu.be/bPQQROYJHpk

Part 4 of LPPFusions new video series The New Race to Fusion, the first comprehensive comparison and ranking of the worlds leading efforts to achieve fusion energy. In his central part of the series, Fusion Race: Whos Ahead LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner compares and ranks the results of all the worlds leading fusion efforts, using three objective yardsticks. Comparing the ratio of fusion energy out to total energy into the device, LPPFusions, $5-million-dollar Focus Fusion-1 (FF-1) device comes in a close second to the largest functioning tokamak device, the Joint European Torus (JET), which has cost nearly a thousand times more. While JET leads FF-1 by only 50% in wall plug efficiency, FF-1 is a factor of 80 ahead of the multibillion-dollar National Ignition Facility (NIF) by the same measure. FF-1 ranks first in the world in efficiency per dollar invested, with 100 times more bang for the buck than the second-ranked Z-machine of Sandia Labs and 1,000 times more than JET. By another measure, ntauT, the product of plasma density, confinement time and temperature, the Chinese tokamak EAST is number 1, but here too FF-1 leads all other privately-funded fusion devices by over a factor of 100.

The references used in the making of this video can be found at https://lppfusion.com/the-new-fusion-race-resources. To keep up with us go to https://lppfusion.com and sign up to the mailing list. Alternatively, subscribe to the feed at the following URL: https://lppfusion.com/feed/.
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The New Fusion Race - Part 4 - Fusion Race: Who is Ahead? @LPPFusion