GO ASTRONOMY | The 88 Magnificent Constellations of the Night Sky @goastronomy | Uploaded December 2021 | Updated October 2024, 15 hours ago.
Grab a drink and a snack and explore all 88 wondrous constellations of the night sky from A-Z in 4K. Learn both the basic star outline as well as deep-sky objects such as nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters in their glory. Let's go:

Andromeda - Daughter of Cepheus,
Antlia - the Air Pump,
Apus - Bird of Paradise,
Aquarius - the Water Bearer,
Aquila - the Eagle,
Ara - the Altar,
Aries - the Ram,
Auriga - the Charioteer,
Bootes - the Herdsman,
Caelum - the Chisel,
Camelopardalis - the Giraffe,
Cancer - the Crab,
Canes Venatici - the Hunting Dogs,
Canis Major - the Greater Dog,
Canis Minor - the Lesser Dog,
Capricornus - the Sea Goat,
Carina - the Keel,
Cassiopeia - Mother of Andromeda,
Centaur - the Centaur,
Cepheus - King of Ethiopia,
Cetus - the Whale,
Chamaeleon - the Chamaeleon,
Circinus - the Compass,
Columba - the Dove,
Coma Berenices - Hair of Berenice,
Corona Australis - the Southern Crown,
Corona Borealis - the Northern Crown,
Corvus - the Crow,
Crater - the Cup,
Crux - the Southern Cross,
Cygnus - the Northern Cross,
Delphinus - the Dolphin,
Dorado - the Swordfish,
Draco - the Dragon,
Equuleus - the Pony,
Eridanus - the River,
Fornax - the Furnace,
Gemini - the Twins,
Grus - the Crane,
Hercules - the Strongman,
Horologium - the Clock,
Hydra - the Water Monster,
Hydrus - the Water Snake,
Indus - the Indian,
Lacerta - the Lizard,
Leo - the Lion,
Leo Minor - the Lesser Lion,
Lepus - the Hare,
Libra - the Balance,
Lupus - the Wolf,
Lynx - the Lynx,
Lyra - the Harp,
Mensa - Table Mountain,
Microscopium - the Microscope,
Monoceros - the Unicorn,
Musca - the Fly,
Norma - the Square Rule,
Octans - the Octant,
Ophiuchus - the Serpent Bearer,
Orion - the Hunter,
Pavo - the Peacock,
Pegasus - the Winged Horse,
Perseus - the Hero,
Phoenix -,the Phoenix,
Pictor - the Painter's Easel,
Pisces - the Fishes,
Piscis Austrinus - the Southern Fish,
Puppis - the Stern,
Pyxis - the Compass,
Reticulum - the Reticle,
Sagitta - the Arrow,
Sagittarius - the Archer,
Scorpius - the Scorpion,
Sculptor - the Sculptor,
Scutum - the Shield,
Serpens - the Serpent,
Sextans - the Sextant,
Taurus - the Bull,
Telescopium - the Telescope,
Triangulum - the Triangle,
Triangulum Australe - the Southern Triangle,
Tucana - the Toucan,
Ursa Major - the Great Bear,
Ursa Minor - the Lesser Bear,
Vela - the Sails,
Virgo - the Virgin,
Volans - the Flying Fish,
Vulpecula - the Fox.


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The 88 Magnificent Constellations of the Night Sky @goastronomy