UC Berkeley Events | Tanner Lectures on Human Values with Rachel Barney: Lecture I - The End of Craft @UCBerkeleyEvents | Uploaded 4 months ago | Updated 2 hours ago
What is a craft? For Plato, paradigmatic craft-practitioners include the doctor, carpenter and navigator; an updated, more generous conception should include the dancer, coder, waitress, painter, chef, professional athlete, and firefighter. Each of these skilled practices is oriented to the achievement of a distinctive end, the goodness of which is independent of the self-interest or inclinations of the practitioner. This Platonic conception of craft as involving disinterested teleological rationality can explain how craft sets objective norms for correct action, and for the excellence of the practitioner. And it shows that to master a craft is not merely to acquire knowledge or skills but to take on the ‘internal standpoint’ definitive of the craft, internalizing its values and treating its reasons for action as authoritative.
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Tanner Lectures on Human Values with Rachel Barney: Lecture I - The End of Craft @UCBerkeleyEvents