Mozilla Hacks | Surma - Polyglot WebAssembly - View Source 2019 @mozhacks | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
#wasm #webassembly #surma #viewsourceconf
The number of languages with WebAssembly support is growing. And you don't have to choose just one. You can use each of them for what they are good at. You can sprinkle in some C, C++, Rust, AssemblyScript (and more) as enhancements for your everyday-JS.
Surma - Polyglot WebAssembly - View Source 2019Developer Playground: CSS Grid 3 - Firefox InspectorCross-Browser Testing with BrowserStackClips from US events on the Developer Roadshow 2019Demystifying Rust Parsing with Nikita BaksalyarPercentage Rollout Single Page Web Apps - Sri Subramanian - Mozilla Developer Roadshow - SingaporeCompiler Compiler - Part 7: Finally finished the bug!Using the A-frame hotspot-helper componentInterview with Stan LeongFirefox Developer Tools: search for files with the debuggerFirefox Developer Tools: opening the debuggerDynamic Themes in Firefox

Surma - Polyglot WebAssembly - View Source 2019 @mozhacks