SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (short demo)  @shironekolabs5647
SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (short demo)  @shironekolabs5647
Shironeko Labs | SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (short demo) @shironekolabs5647 | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated February 16 2024
This is a short demonstration of a homebrew SNES expansion chip designed to add raytracing capabilities to the system.
More technical details: (video) (text)
SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (short demo) @shironekolabs5647SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (walkthrough and technical overview) @shironekolabs5647

SuperRT - Realtime raytracing on the SNES (short demo) @shironekolabs5647