Splitting Kinds  @JacksonWheat
Splitting Kinds  @JacksonWheat
Jackson Wheat | Splitting Kinds @JacksonWheat | Uploaded September 2020 | Updated October 2024, 2 hours ago.
Looking at yet another reason why creationist baraminology fails. Credit to Dapper Dino for this video idea. At 14:08 I say Viverridae; I meant to say Viverravidae. My bad. All pictures are from Google.
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Splitting KindsDebunking Deflate and Rocking Matt Powell Episode 4Talking with Just a Walking FishTaking a Course at DiscoveryUThe Mesozoic Pt. 2 (with Dapper Dinosaur)Talking with Random Evo TimesThe Marsupial Moles TaleDr Kevin Anderson vs Jackson Wheat Is Universal Common Descent Evidence Based?Is Darwinism a Secular Myth?Talking with William RatcliffSolving Mathematical Challenges to Evolution Pt. 2The Colugos Tale

Splitting Kinds @JacksonWheat