excelisfun | Spilled 2-Way Lookup Commission Report using LAMBDA and BYROW Functions. EMT 1803 @excelisfun | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
Download Excel File: https://excelisfun.net/files/EMT1801-1804.xlsx Peter B Formula Example: https://excelisfun.net/files/EMT1801-1804PeterB.xlsx
Learn how to use LAMBDA, BYROW and MAP functions to build a custom function to spill a column of commission amounts for each sales rep. Learn how to deal with different sized iterating arrays in single formula by using two LAMBDA functions.
1. (00:00) Introduction
2. (00:10) Single Cell formula to spill commission amounts for each sales rep using the functions: LAMBDA, MAP, XLOOKUP, BYROW, and SUM
3. (04:38) Summary, Closing, Video Links

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Spilled 2-Way Lookup Commission Report using LAMBDA and BYROW Functions. EMT 1803 @excelisfun