Ruaille-Buaille Rula-Bula | Ruaille-Buaille (Rula-Bula): Four thousand angels (Basque children of 37’) @RBruaillebuaille | Uploaded September 2015 | Updated October 2024, 1 hour ago.
Ruaille-Buaille (Rula-Bula): Four thousand angels (Basque children of 37’)
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[eng] During the Spanish Civil War, just after the dramatic bombing of Gernika, and before Franco’s troops took Bilbao, thousands of people were evacuated by sea from the port of Santurtzi. On the 21st May 1937, a boat called the Habana set sail, bound for England, with 3861 children aboard. Some of those children returned at the end of the war and others much later after the death of Franco. Some never returned. They still call them “niños de la guerra” or the children of the war.

[eus] Espainiako Gerra Zibilean, Gernikako bonbardaketa ankerraren ostean eta Francoren udalosteek Bilbo hartu baino lehen, milaka pertsona ebakuatu zituzten Santurtziko portutik. Hala, 1937ko maiatzaren 21 espedizioan, 3.861 ume abiatu ziren Habana untzian Ingalaterrarantz. Ebakuatu ziren guztietatik, batzuk gerra ostean itzuli ziren, beste batzuk, Franco hiltzean; gainerakoak, berriz, ez ziren inoiz itzuli. Oraindik ere, “gerrako umeak” esaten diete.

[glg-por] Na Guerra Civil Espanhola, pouco tempo despois do bombardeio de Gernika e antes de que as tropas feixistas tomaram Bilbao, milheiros de persoas forom evacuadas por mar dende o porto de Santurtzi. Na expediçom do 21 de maio de 1937, 3.861 cativos e cativas bascas sairom rumbo à Inglaterra a bordo do buque “Habana”. Alguns poiderom voltar ao rematar a guerra e, os máis, moito máis tarde trá-la morte do ditador. Outros, nembargantes, jamáis voltarom. Ainda som conhecidos sob o nome de “nenos da guerra”.

[spa] Durante la guerra civil española, poco después del dramático bombardeo de Gernika y antes de que las tropas de Franco tomaran Bilbao, miles de personas fueron evacuados por mar desde el puerto de Santurtzi. En la expedición del el 21 de mayo de 1937, 3.861 niños y niñas partieron rumbo a Inglaterra a bordo del buque Habana. De todos los evacuados, algunos volvieron al terminar la guerra, y otros mucho más tarde, tras la muerte de Franco; otros, en cambio, jamás volvieron. Todavía se les llama “niños de la guerra”.


Four thousand angels, sailing out of hell
Thought the bombs were falling
When they heard the old ships bell
It’s only three months you’ll be gone,
by the harvest you’ll be here
But they waited over forty years to see Santurtzi Pier
Four thousand angels
Four thousand angels

Brothers, sisters cousins too, first time on the sea
Just someone’s sons and daughters
Those tiny refugees
Forty years a foreigner, forty years abroad
Family spread across the globe
Home is just a word
Four thousand angels
Four thousand angels

Four thousand angels, sailing out of hell,
thought the bombs were falling
When they heard the old ships bell
It’s only three months you’ll be gone,
by the harvest you’ll be here
But they waited over forty years to see Santurtzi Pier
Four thousand angels
Four thousand angels

Rap text by Endika Abella "Lahaine":

4000 aingeru inpernutik inpernura,
herbestera behartuak,
bizitzaren bidean senide sakabanatuak,
kupida barik,
urteak anai-arreba ikusi gabe.
Itsasontziak Santurtzitik hurbil,
iraganara so egin, jo eta ekin...
Etxea hutsik gelditu da
eta bihotza garaiko argazkien bila,
ezarian, negar tantak agerian,
lurraren falta, zilegia,
lana eta izerdia alegia...
Ondorengoek jasoko zuten
gurasoen eskarmentua,
ahaztuen aberria,
itsasoaren dardara,
kostaldetik zabaltzen den zirrara...
Hotza, beldurraren ispilu,
4000 aingeru inpernuaren gatibu.

Translation to English:

4.000 angels, from one Hell to another
Forced into exile
No mercy
Years without seeing brothers and sister
Ships near Santurzi
Never stop looking at the past
An empty house
And a heart searches without thinking
For photos from those days
Unhidden tears
Missing a country
Work and sweat
Parents experiences
Received by their decendents
Homeland of the forgotten ones
Tremors at sea
Emotion which comes from the coast
Cold reflection of fear
4.000 angels trapped in Hell

+info: ruaille-buaille.com/discography/cd3/track07/index.html
Ruaille-Buaille (Rula-Bula): Four thousand angels (Basque children of 37’)Ruaille-Buaille: The Lark in the Morning (Getxo Folk, 2012)Ruaille-Buaille: 4.000 angels (Ortigueira 2014)Euskal Herriko XVI. Alboka Eguna (2017-6-3)Ruaille-Buaille, Runas 2013 (7/9): I Got Your Picture

Ruaille-Buaille (Rula-Bula): Four thousand angels (Basque children of 37’) @RBruaillebuaille