Rostyslav Ivanyk | Right Sector. The Great Ukrainian Reconquista @rostyslavivanyk7585 | Uploaded 10 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
The Great Ukrainian Reconquista: What is the Right Sector fighting for?

We, the warriors and commanders of the Right Sector are actively fighting the regime, remembering the heroism of King Svyatoslav the Courageous of Kyiv, King Danylo of Galicia, of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army; implementing the right of a people to rise against injustice; and aware of our responsibilities before the dead and injured heroes of the Maidan.

We are fighting

For the right of every Ukrainian to human dignity...

For a fair criminal trial of Berkut and other dogs of the occupational system...

Against the humiliation and impoverishment of the Ukrainian people...

Against the war of the government with its own people...

For responsible voters and politicians...

For the election of judges...

Against corrupt and marginal democracy...

Against degeneracy and totalitarian liberalism...

For traditional folk morality and family values...

For Ukrainian families having many children...

For a spiritually and physically healthy youth...

Against a culture of consumerism and eroticism...

Against any form of "integration" on terms dictated from outside of Ukraine...

For unity and worldwide greatness of the Ukrainian nation...

For a great Ukrainian and European Reconquista... Everything is only beginning! From our Maidan, the rebirth of Kyivan-Rus/Ukraine commences, the rebirth of Europe commences.

Glory to Ukraine!

Glory to our heroes!
Right Sector. The Great Ukrainian ReconquistaSecteur Droit. La Grande Reconquête UkrainienneEl Sector Derecha. La Gran Reconquista UcranianaIl Settore Destro. La Grande Riconquista UcrainaPrawy Sektor. Wielka Ukraińska RekonkwistaRechte Sektor. Die große ukrainische ReconquistaSectorul Dreptei. Marea Reconquista UcraineanăPravij Sektor. Velika Ukrajinska Obnova/RekonkvistaДесни Сектор. Велика Украјинска РеконквистаHögra Sektorn. Den stora ukrainska återerövringenPravy Sektor. A Grande Reconquista Ucraniana

Right Sector. The Great Ukrainian Reconquista @rostyslavivanyk7585