Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law (1964) - Complete - Better Audio  @richardfeynmanslectures9531
Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law (1964) - Complete - Better Audio  @richardfeynmanslectures9531
Richard Feynman's Lectures | Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law (1964) - Complete - Better Audio @richardfeynmanslectures9531 | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated February 16 2024
Feynman's Messenger Lectures on the "Character of Physical Law" at Cornell University (1964) - Complete Series - Abridged - Better Audio

Lecture 1 0:00 The Law of Gravitation - An Example of Physical Law
Lecture 2 48:00 The Relation of Mathematics and Physics
Lecture 3 1:40:32 The Great Conservation Principles
Lecture 4 2:33:38 Symmetry in Physical Law
Lecture 5 3:27:45 The Distinction of Past and Future
Lecture 6 4:10:46 Probability and Uncertainty - The Quantum Mechanical View of Nature
Lecture 7 5:04:25 Seeking New Laws
Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law (1964) - Complete - Better Audio @richardfeynmanslectures9531

Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law (1964) - Complete - Better Audio @richardfeynmanslectures9531