Closer To Truth | Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - Realism vs. Anti-realism @CloserToTruthTV | Uploaded 3 months ago | Updated 3 hours ago
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What are anti-realists and why do they deny objective reality? What we know of the world must come through our senses and be processed by our brains. Both can be unreliable; illusions can fool our senses and illness or injury can disrupt our brains. Therefore, can we ever be sure that anything outside ourselves is truly what it seems?

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Rebecca Newberger Goldstein is an American philosopher, novelist, and public intellectual. Goldstein is a MacArthur Fellow, and has received the National Humanities Medal and the National Jewish Book Award.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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Rebecca Newberger Goldstein - Realism vs. Anti-realism @CloserToTruthTV