Professor Hank Stalica | Random Ramble #55: I'm not doing your homework for you! @ProfessorHankStalica | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 2 hours ago
Your definition of help and my definition of help aren't necessarily the same thing...

You have to do the foundational work...attending lecture, doing the reading, experimenting with the code before we can have a conversation.

Office hours are for filling in gaps, not personal lectures.

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// What are Random Rambles?
My Random Ramble videos were born out of the loss of face-to-face chats with students during office hours before Covid. I miss talking about all the random stuff we used to talk about when students would come by and hang out. These are my way to reconnect. They are unscripted and raw and I just talk about what I feel like talking about off the top of my head like we used to do in N154.

My opinions are always evolving, are 100% my own and not those of my university, and probably wrong so don't listen to me about anything. They are offered for consideration in the public space and I am never 100% convinced of my positions as new evidence should always impact one's position.

No guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, are provided for this content. View at your own risk.

No Ramble videos are required viewing by my students - current, future, or past.

Of course, nobody should feel required to agree with anybody. That's not education or discussion, that's indoctrination.

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Random Ramble #55: Im not doing your homework for you!C++ mathematical expressions [2]C++ cout and escape sequences for console output [1]Linked Lists Tutorial #1: Intro and append algorithm (Updated)Mastering Doubly Linked Lists: A Comprehensive Tutorial - [2/4]C++ Tutorial: Exploring the if Statement - Conditionally Execute Code Like a Pro! [3]Java Tutorial #10: Java Class BasicsAn example of the selection sort sorting algorithmC++ type conversion and integer division [3]Pointer Arithmetic   C++ Pointers Tutorial [4]Pointer-Based Stack Data StructuresOffice Hours #3

Random Ramble #55: I'm not doing your homework for you! @ProfessorHankStalica