olabitrio | Qui veut gagner des Millions Partie 2/ Who wants to be a millionaire Part 2(WWTBAM) @olabitrio | Uploaded 15 years ago | Updated 1 hour ago
Voici la 1re partie du projet : ScreenQVGDM ! Merci BL5965 pour son aide ! C'est mon dernier mot, pour le moment...

Part 1 of an update to the original WWTBAM Season 7 Demonstration. The PPTx is now widescreen, the money tree has been slightly altered, the win sequence is slightly altered and the background has been changed to be more realistic.

In terms of presentation, video quality is HD and the sound is added separately and synced with the video, not recorded by a microphone, meaning clear, unspoiled sound. Unfortunately, there will be times in this video which is slightly (no more than 1 sec) out of sync. I apologize for this mistake and will try to take more care in the future.

In terms of the actual software, it is still created in Powerpoint 2007 because I don't know how to program using anything else (so if you could help, it would be very greatly appreciated and I would definitely offer a reward).

The music is taken directly from the WWTBAM Season 7 USA Soundtrack and most of the graphics are also from the actual show. The only exception is the question + 4 answers graphic, which was recreated based on the real graphics. DO NOT ASK FOR THE SOUNDTRACK AS UNFORTUNATELY I DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE IT.

The software itself is a little 'dodgy' and not suitable for one player use because nothing is controlled (e.g. the player could ignore the timer, use same lifelines for different question). As a dual screen Powerpoint on presenter mode, it works okay, as the host can control the Powerpoint via the grey control panel at the top, but they must know the answers beforehand.

Please comment, rate and subscribe. DON'T ask for the soundtrack, comment negatively on the fact its made with Powerpoint or comment on the questions themselves.

Qui veut gagner des Millions Partie 2/ Who wants to be a millionaire Part 2(WWTBAM)Tas trop de pets qui fouettent parodie hlne sgaraWho wants to be a millionaire opening V1Qui veut gagner des millions animation graphiques Who wants to be a millionaire Animation graphics 3QSMWho wants to be a millionaire AustraliadmineurTa gueule Parodie LorieComment  utiliser votre grille pain ?

Qui veut gagner des Millions Partie 2/ Who wants to be a millionaire Part 2(WWTBAM) @olabitrio