Revelation TV | Politics Today Why have our politics become so toxic and divisive? @RevelationTVOfficial | Uploaded 1 month ago | Updated 3 hours ago
In this week’s edition of Politics Today Simon Barrett is joined by Maureen Martin from the Society for the protection of Unborn Children and Dr Sarah Tun from Prayer for Parliament.

On Saturday 13th July, Tomas Matthew Crook a twenty year old loner attempted to assassinate Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Had he been successful this could have ignited another bloody civil war in America.

It was the toxic and divisive political rhetoric in demonising Trump and comparing him to a modern Hitler that created the political climate that radicalised his assassin. This same hateful political discourse has poisoned our politics on both sides of the Atlantic that has led to political violence. It is time for God’s love, righteousness and justice to override this evil.
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Politics Today Why have our politics become so toxic and divisive? @RevelationTVOfficial