Simons Institute | O(log s)-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for the Earth Mover’s Distance @SimonsInstituteTOC | Uploaded 2 months ago | Updated 4 hours ago
Rajesh Jayaram (Google Research NYC)
Extroverted Sublinear Algorithms

In this talk, we discuss the first improvement in approximation for nearest neighbor search under the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) in over a decade. Given two sets of s vectors A,B in high dimensional space (R^d), the EMD between A and B is the minimum cost of a perfect matching between the vectors in A and B where the edge weights are given by the distances in Euclidean space. EMD is a classic metric in computer science (dating back over 100 years to the Hungarian algorithm of Jacobi), and a standard distance between two sets of points. In nearest neighbor search, one has a collection of n such sets A1,...,An, which one pre-processes so that given a query set Q, one can quickly return a set Ai whose distance (under EMD) is within a C-factor of the nearest neighbor to Q.

To date, the only algorithm with sublinear O(n^eps) query time was given by Andoni, Indyk, and Krauthgamer ([AIK, SODA 08]), who designed a (data-independent) locality sensitive hash function (LSH) for EMD with approximation O(log^2 s). In this work, we improve this approximation to Õ(log s) in the same runtime by designing the first data-dependent LSH functions for EMD. The talk will discuss the main techniques behind sublinear algorithms for EMD, including the tree embeddings techniques of [AIK’08] and [Chen, Jayaram, Levi, Waingarten STOC ‘22], as well as the key insights needed to glue them together into a improved LSH for EMD.

Joint work with Erik Waingarten and Tian Zhang (STOC ‘24, arxiv.org/abs/2403.05041).
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O(log s)-Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for the Earth Mover’s Distance @SimonsInstituteTOC