CMI Video | Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction? @CMIVideo | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Many questions about Noahs Ark and the Genesis flood are answered in this episode.

Related articles:
How did all the animals fit on Noahs Ark? (https://dl0.creation.com/articles/p030/c03027/chapter13.pdf)
The large ships of antiquity (https://creation.com/the-large-ships-of-antiquity)
Noahs Ark Q+A page (https://creation.com/noahs-ark-questions-and-answers)

Related Products:
Noahs Ark: A Feasibility Study (http://creation.com/s/10-3-078)
Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505)
How Noah's Flood Shaped Our Earth (http://creation.com/s/10-2-647)
The Genesis Flood: Fact or Fiction? (http://creation.com/s/00-1-507)
Flood Fossils (http://creation.com/s/10-2-644)
Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)

0:00 Intro
2:16 Ark size
3:44 How many animals were on the Ark?
6:27 Could all the animals fit on the Ark?
8:47 Food and other supplies on the Ark
15:47 How did fresh water fish survive the flood?
18:22 How did plants survive the flood?
18:52 Large wooden ships in history
20:49 Pitch for the Ark
21:56 Fossilized dinosaur tracks suggest they were made during the flood
22:59 Conditions after the flood. What did animals eat?
25:52 Rapid speciation after the flood
26:41 Ark landed on Ararat?
27:49 How did animals get to places like Australia?
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Noah's Ark: Fact or Fiction? @CMIVideo