Fiver&Heather's Channel | Monster (Skillet) MEP (Closed) @FiverHeathersChannel | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 5 days ago
Hey everyone since it's two months till October I decided to make an MEP which will be uploaded as part of an HMV in MEP style if you want to join feel free to do so and here are the rules

1. Be sure to add in your villain members from your enemies team in the video

2. No Anti-Heroes, if you're reading this @thefreshprinceofdisney8636 sorry about that but you can still join and use the members from Joker's Legion of Doom if you like, it's up to you

3. Both Live Action and Animated are allowed and yes even Anime and Video Game Villains are allowed also.

4. To those who shared villain members, you might have to use different villains in each video clip for your parts just to let you know

5. For those who is doing the final part be sure to add a villainous dialogue for the ending part

6. Have fun

Part 1: Zachary Baker
Part 2: @sophiaschannel1611
Part 3: Ben The Half Blood Prince Windrider
Part 4: Fiver& Heather's Channel (That's Me)
Part 5: @AnikaBoomHeart
Part 6: @animalandhumanohana1919
Part 7: @TheImaginator972
Part 8: @maxjackson1847
Part 9: Mouhamad Bassal

Deadline: 25th October 2021
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Monster (Skillet) MEP (Closed) @FiverHeathersChannel