WebFlixsGuy | Message To Michael Obama- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite! @WebFlixsGuy | Uploaded 11 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Simply do a Google search and the evidence can easily be found. Michelle Obama is a man. Just Reverend Jeremiah Wright, he performed the marriage ceremony... Which would explain why three church members were killed within 90 days of each other execution style..Help Change The Existing Paradigm. Please Read The Desire Statement Out Loud.

I am in the process of attracting and allowing whatever I need to do, know or have, to impeach and imprison Barack Obama for deceiving the American people surrounding the sexuality of his wife Michelle, also known as Michael Obama.
Message To Michael Obama- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite!Etidorpha The End of The Earth Part 19 of 60Etidorpha The End Of The Earth Part 21 of 60Etidorpha The End of The Earth Part 27 of 60

Message To Michael Obama- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite! @WebFlixsGuy