Chappy Happy | Memories of Europe - Paris and Venice @chappyhappy3675 | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Memories of Europe - Paris and Venice0-V-2 Shortwave Receiver: 2-Tube Regenerative Receiver  0-V-2Handy Adjustable DC Power Supply40m Direct Conversion Receiver Part3 (CW Filter)   7MHz  Part3 (CW)LM386 Portable Audio AmplifierDim - Bulb Tester DIY6N6P Single-Ended Stereo Tube Amplifier, Loftin-White DIYONE CHIP AM RADIO Using Dollar Store Items - TA7642 (UTC7642)Holiday Electronics Project DIYPortable Tube Radio Power SupplyMY FIRST STEPS TO PARASET - Transmitter Portion40m Direct Conversion Receiver     7MHz

Memories of Europe - Paris and Venice @chappyhappy3675