Then & Now | Martin Luther King or Malcolm X? Rationality & Anger @ThenNow | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 14 hours ago
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are often seen as having opposing views about how to achieve equality and black rights. In his autobiography, Stride Towards Freedom, King emphasizes calmness and always non-violence. Whereas Malcolm X, in his autobiography, emphasized freedom by any means necessary, through the Nation of Islam and possibly Black Nationalism. The Civil Rights Movement was defined by these figures, but what if they were two sides of a single coin? What if both 'rationality' and 'emotion' are necessary for social action and for rendering what W.E.B du Bois called, in the Souls of Black Folks, 'the veil.'

Original Score by August Aghast:

'The Veil'
'Servant of Two Masters'

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Martin Luther King or Malcolm X? Rationality & Anger @ThenNow