GETchan | 八路军进行曲 - March of the Eighth Route Army @GETchan | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 10 hours ago
An old recording of the song that the modern March of the People's Liberation Army is based on. I found this recording on a sketchy Chinese site a few years ago when I was working on the 10 hour Chinese video. Strangely enough, it's a FLAC file instead of an MP3. Below you can find a comparison of the old and new lyrics in both Chinese and English.



我们是善战的前卫,→ 我们是工农的子弟,
我们是民众的武装。→ 我们是人民的武装。
从无畏惧,绝不屈服,永远抵抗,→ 从无畏惧,绝不屈服,英勇战斗,
直到把日寇逐出国境,→ 直到把反动派消灭干净,
自由的旗帜高高飘扬!→ 毛泽东的旗帜高高飘扬!

听!抗战歌声多嘹亮!→ 听!革命歌声多嘹亮!
同志们整齐步伐奔去敌人的后方,→ 同志们整齐步伐奔赴祖国的边疆,

向华北的原野,→ 向最后的胜利,
向塞外的山冈!→ 向全国的解放!

"March of the Eighth Route Army" (1939) → "March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" (1951)

Forward! Forward! Forward!
Our army marches towards the sun,
Over the ground of our motherland,
Carrying the hope of our nation,
We are an invincible power!

We are the warriors of the vanguard, → We are children of workers and peasants,
We are the arms of the masses. → We are the arms of the people.
Always fearless, never yielding, resisting forever, → Always fearless, never yielding, heroically fighting,
Until the Japanese invaders are expelled from the country, → Until the counter-revolutionaries are exterminated,
The flag of freedom flutters high! → Mao Zedong's flag flutters high!

Listen! The wind is roaring and the bugle is sounding!
Listen! How thunderously our resistance song is ringing! → Listen! How thunderously our revolutionary song is ringing!
Comrades, march forward to the battlefield of liberation,
Comrades, march forward to the rear of the enemy, → Comrades, march forward to the frontiers of the motherland,

Forward! Forward!
Our army marches towards the sun,
To the wilderness of Northern China, → To the final victory,
To the hills beyond the Great Wall! → To the liberation of the whole country!
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八路军进行曲 - March of the Eighth Route Army @GETchan