LoL - Music for playing Ace of Spades Ezreal and Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate  @MoonArcher
LoL - Music for playing Ace of Spades Ezreal and Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate  @MoonArcher
Moon Archer | LoL - Music for playing Ace of Spades Ezreal and Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate @MoonArcher | Uploaded 9 years ago | Updated May 08 2024
This is unofficial music theme for playing as Ace of Spades Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer and Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, the Card Master in League of Legends. I don't own neither music nor images used in this video - these belong to their rightful owners. Enjoy and feel free to comment)
Music: Gioachino Rossini - The Thieving Magpie (Batman: Arkham Origins OST)
Images taken from
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LoL - Music for playing Ace of Spades Ezreal and Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate @MoonArcher