Vids4Kids.tv | Little White Duck @vids4kidstv | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
Timmy Uppet was at the farm with his parents. He had never been to a farm before, and he was excited to see all the animals. He saw cows, pigs, chickens, and even a horse! But the animal that Timmy was most excited to see was the duck.

Timmy had seen ducks in books and on TV, but he had never seen one in real life. He was amazed at how small and fluffy the duck was. It had a white body with a brown head and a long, thin neck. Timmy watched as the duck waddled around the farmyard, pecking at the ground for food.

Timmy's parents told him that the duck's name was Quackers. Timmy loved the name Quackers, and he decided that he wanted to learn how to spell it. He asked his parents how to spell the word "duck," and they showed him how to do it.

Timmy practiced spelling the word "duck" over and over again. He was so proud of himself when he finally got it right! He ran over to Quackers and told him that he had learned how to spell his name. Quackers quacked happily, and Timmy knew that he had made a new friend.

Timmy spent the rest of the day at the farm playing with Quackers. They chased each other around the yard, and Timmy even got to feed Quackers some corn. Timmy had so much fun at the farm, and he couldn't wait to come back again soon.
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Little White Duck @vids4kidstv