Artifexian | Language Creation: The Basics @Artifexian | Uploaded 9 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
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Artifexian does linguistics and the creation of fictional languages!
Topics discussed: The six step involved in language creation, what is the IPA; consonants, vowels, diacritics and suprasegmentals, why phonemic inventories are important, auxiliary languages; esperanto and interlingua, modification of phonologies and alien languages.

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Links / Further reading

The Language Construction Kit: http://goo.gl/DjpQ4v
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): http://goo.gl/Kk50ZH
Xhosa Language: http://goo.gl/HY2EWr
Esperanto: http://goo.gl/qDF3aJ
Interlingua: http://goo.gl/Y3ntGC
Phonology: http://goo.gl/f0dJ3X
!X Language: http://goo.gl/BIraEP
Alien Language: http://goo.gl/zKoah6
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Language Creation: The Basics @Artifexian