HealesMovies | International Longevity Day, Brussels, 1st October 2023 (English) @HealesMovies | Uploaded 11 months ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Today, on the first of October, we celebrate the International Day of Older People. On this day we ask that the world ups its effort to develop interventions in the aging process that can prevent, delay, reduce the severity, or even reverse the diseases and disabilities associated with old age. Aging is the leading cause of illness and disability worldwide (Franceschi et al., 2018; Kennedy et al., 2014).

More specifically, we demand (Florea et al., 2023):

Increased funding for basic research on the biology of aging.
Increased educational opportunities in geroscience including choice courses in aging biology for undergraduate students, specialist graduate training courses and summer schools.
Increased access to anonymized health data.
The creation of a regulatory path for longevity therapeutics.
Increased public information campaigns.
International Longevity Day, Brussels, 1st October 2023 (English)

International Longevity Day, Brussels, 1st October 2023 (English) @HealesMovies