“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry  @OmniversityTV
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry  @OmniversityTV
OmniversityTV | “In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry @OmniversityTV | Uploaded November 2023 | Updated October 2024, 1 hour ago.
I am happy to announce that a relevant Paperback edition of my new book was approved on Nov. 23, 2024 by Amazon.
“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry
by Alfred Lambremont Lambremont Webre

I am happy to announce that a relevant Paperback edition of my new book was approved on Nov. 23, 2024 by Amazon.

“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry: Vol. I: June 2023 to June 2024 Paperback – November 23, 2023
by Alfred Lambremont Webre

READ FREE SAMPLE NOW: You can read a free sample of the Paperback by Clicking Here: amazon.com/dp/1739038517/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=&asin=1739038517&revisionId=&format=4&depth=1

"Author and Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre in “In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions? A Public Inquiry” (2nd Edition), publicly shares the proof, documentation, and implications, of an apparent leak of classified Top Secret DARPA-CIA Project Pegasus quantum access time travel pre-identification information that “in the future, the United States of America would break up into many regions”. This leak was given to Alfred in January 1977 by Director Willis Harman when Alfred first joined the Center for the Study of Social Policy, the then Futurist unit at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. At the time, SRI’s Futurist unit had a contract with the Central Intelligence Agency to study “Alternative 50-year Futures of the United States of America”.

"In the 2nd Edition of his new book, Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre of the Peaceinspace.org Tribunal of Conscience shares the November 15, 2020 Tribunal Indictment of Co-Defendant Donald John Trump, and shows how Donald John Trump appropriated “maga [MAGA]” (the highest degree, the Fifth Degree) in the Temple of Satan
Hierarchy - churchofsatan.com/hierarchy - as the maga [MAGA] Motto for his 2016 (and 2020 and 2024) US Presidential Campaigns. As was well-known to US Army Lt. Col Michael Aquino [Head of the Temple of Satan] and his co-Author Maj. General Paul Vallely [US Army Retired] - both ardent Trump supporters, Trump covertly disguised maga [MAGA] highest Fifth Degree Priesthood Status in the Temple of Satan as Donald John Trump’s 2016 -2020-2024 US Presidential Campaign Slogan “MAGA: Make America Great Again” – A Diabolical Diversion by Trump and in reality a collective Satanic Black Magic maga [MAGA] AntiChrist Temple of Satan Curse on America and on the World.

Donald John Trump was secretly briefed in 1971 as a future US President by the Top Secret DARPA/CIA Time Travel Presidential Pre-identification Program. See documentation, proof and evidence in THE CHRONOGARCHY and TRACKING THE ANTICHRISTS books by author and Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre at Alfred's Amazon Page:

and Universebooks.com

As we demonstrate in the new book, it is more probable that not, that if Trump becomes US President in 2024, the Trump Presidency will be the proximate cause of the United States "breaking up into many regions", if in fact such a Balkanization of the Constitutional republic does occur in the aftermath of a 2024 Trump Presidency.

UPDATE: For those Members who may be interested in pursuing a 2024 Course in this vital subject, Omniversity is also launching a Course whose Curriculum is at:

#4 Name of Course- “In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions? - A Public Inquiry”

See full Curriculum at: exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2023/11/omniversity-course-curriculum-.html

Register your email at Omniversity Home Page to be notified when Course is online in early 2024:

NEW COURSES: START ANYTIME IN 2024, JANUARY & AFTER. This is an “Evergreen” Course.
New Monthly Video Classes.
Tuition Only $27/month with 1 month free trial
Graduate with Certificate after full year of Classes.
Any members wishing to enroll in the Course or wanting more information, please contact me at exopolitics@exopolitics.com

Many thanks! Alfred
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“In The Future, Will The United States Of America Break Up Into Many Regions?” - A Public Inquiry @OmniversityTV