declis - xdec | ILI9341 TFT-Display with MSP430, 240x320 @uiuiui1010 | Uploaded 9 years ago | Updated 2 hours ago
ILI9341 (16bit, 240x320), MSP430G2553 (16kB Flash / 512B RAM / 16MHz)
Source @ http://xdec.de/ili9341-tft-display-mit-msp430/
New Version @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWxQnIZxD2g
So, here is a small demo for the ILI9341, didn't do much debugging and code optimization, there may be bugs or slow parts in the code.
ILI9341 TFT-Display with MSP430, 240x320Stickstofflaser (Nitrogen-Laser) - EMC ProblemsMSP430 small easter egg on frequency generator (DOGM162)MSP430 and DCF77 Module (received bits + time + date)

ILI9341 TFT-Display with MSP430, 240x320 @uiuiui1010