1984veritas | I know something from my study... @1984veritas1 | Uploaded November 2020 | Updated October 2024, 16 hours ago.
Real Americans Are Ready To Snap


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Why do so many infamous 'atheists' & socialists venerate Satan???.....

Satan is at the root of socialism according to socialists themselves:

Karl Marx was barely twenty when he wrote, "I want to take revenge on Him who reigns over us..."
His mentor Moses Hess wrote of him, "It is Marx who will be the one to finish off religion".

In Marx’s poem “The Fiddler,” he writes, “The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain/Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed” “See this sword—the Prince of Darkness sold it to me.”

"If for the work of communism we must exterminate nine tenths of the population, we must not baulk before such a sacrifice!"

Lenin coldly wrote; and he added, "Lying is not only a means which one is permitted to use, it is THE most proven means in the bolshevik struggle.

It is clear that behind a facade of supposed atheism, Marx and his peers believed in God and wanted to bring the whole world to hate him.

Their purpose was to draw humanity into hell. The method?

Sometimes the mask slides: "If we were to put you to death, you would go to heaven, says one of the jailors to some christians imprisoned for their faith behind the Iron Curtain. But we don't want that. What we want, is for you to curse God and go to hell!"

When a famine swept Russia in 1921 after former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin ordered seeds to be taken from the farmers, between 5 and 10 million people starved. According to “The Black Book of Communism,” Lenin’s response was that the famine was good for the communist movement, since “famine would also destroy faith not only in the tsar, but in God, too.”

Mikhail Bakunin, one of Karl Marx’s partners in the First International, wrote, “The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emancipations, the REVOLUTION"....

He also wrote:

"Socialists recognize each other by the words ‘In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done.'”

"But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.” Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State

(notice he refers to satan as a ''freethinker'' and an ''emancipator'' who freed man from the tyrant aka God)

He also stated, “In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify.”

"Lest we forget at least, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."
- Saul Alinsky - Rules for radicals.

Also, their symbolism gives them away: for example Aleister Crowley wrote that the communist sickle is a symbol of Saturn, he also wrote that Saturn is Satan. ☭

Another ancient symbol of Saturn (father time) is the hourglass, see extinction rebellion. ⌛

You'll see another symbol of Saturn as the logo of the Green Cross International founded by Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev ♄

"The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order." - Mikhail Gorbachev ☭

It's no coincidence that genocide, hell on earth follows these pe👁ple wherever they and their system seize power.
"Socialists and the mystery religion of Babylon are the same, the same, THE SAME!"  Bill Cooper

My Google Drive pdf folder

I know something from my study...Police will be disarmed.Refuse to be Poisoned 🚫☠💉They sold their souls to the devil.Sound familiar?Bear witness unto the truthComrade JacindaSound advice from George BushORDO AB CHAOA Hero Only Dies One TimeBill Cooper - NephilimCrusade

I know something from my study... @1984veritas1