American Museum of Natural History | Human Population Through Time (Updated in 2023) #datavisualization @AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 6 hours ago
It took most of human history for our population to reach 1 billion—and just over 200 years to reach 8 billion. But growth has begun slowing, as women have fewer babies on average. When will our global population peak? And how can we minimize our impact on Earth’s resources, even as we approach 10 billion?

#humans #population #humanevolution #overpopulation

Related content:

Population Connection

UN World Population Prospects

Real-time population counter

NASA EarthData

NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center

Video credits:

AMNH/L. Moustakerski

AMNH/S. Krasinski

Sound Design
AMNH/J. Morfoot

Scientific Advisors
AMNH/S. Macey
AMNH/J. Zichello
Center for Biodiversity and Conservation

David Hillis, Derrick Zwickl, and Robin Gutell, University of Texas

World Population used courtesy of Population Connection, ©2015

Other Population Data Sources
Population Connection
United Nations, “World Population Prospects: 2015 Revision”
US Census Bureau

Maps and Event Sources
Encyclopedia Britannica
Inner Asian & Uralic National Resource Center
Needham, J. Science and Civilisation in China
Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

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© American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
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Human Population Through Time (Updated in 2023) #datavisualization @AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory