But Why? | How Does Fusion Produce Energy? @ButWhySci | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
What exactly are the mechanisms holding atoms together and why does bringing them together create energy?


Relevant Papers:

On the Mechanism of Nucleon-Nucleon Attraction by Pion Exchange - https://doi.org/10.4236/jmp.2018.98090

A reappraisal of the mechanism of pion exchange and its implications for the teaching of particle physics - https://hst-archive.web.cern.ch/archiv/HST2002/feynman/Pion%20exchange.pdf

Origin and properties of strong inter-nucleon interactions - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.0103.pdf

FUSION POWER BY MAGNETIC CONFINEMENT PROGRAM PLAN VOL I - https://fire.pppl.gov/us_fusion_plan_1976.pdf

Kinetic Energy to Temperatue - https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1OfwMiHkUZzi_M8BbygHnJ4zlVu3h5pnP?usp=sharing
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How Does Fusion Produce Energy? @ButWhySci